Michael Massey – A Deacon Minister

My name is Michael Massey, and I live in Scotia New York. I was raised in a typical Italian Roman Catholic household, the oldest of 3 and the only boy. Most of my religious instruction came from catechism lessons from the first communion to confirmation spanning 17 years. I always believed in God but never really felt any connection to faith. During my college years, I rarely went to church unless one of my roommates dragged me. Fast forward to meeting my amazing wife. She has raised in a very conservative Presbyterian faith; something I knew nothing about.

Aside from a few funerals, I had never even been to a Protestant church, so the idea of going to one was intriguing. What’s more, the minister was a woman- now that I had never experienced! I ended up converting and being married in a Presbyterian service. Raising our children in faith was important to both of us, so when we moved, we joined a small but very close-knit Presbyterian Church. I became an elder, I was involved, yet I still never heard any calling or felt what others seem to feel. Several years ago I went through a lot of personal turmoil, as well as family health issues. You can imagine my praying kicked in. Although I felt things changing, still nothing significant until one day when I was literally on my knees begging God to help me, what should I do, how can I do this?

And then I heard and felt him in a powerful way I’ve never felt before. He was changing me. While all of this was occurring, I rekindled a friendship with my old next door neighbor, a Pentecostal minister. He taught bible study in my home, helped me see Jesus in ways I’ve never known, baptized me and led me to the Holy Ghost.

Ministry is about spreading the Word, loving your neighbor and putting others first. For me, becoming a Deacon Minister is the first step in this amazing faith journey. It will allow me the opportunity to reach out to those in need in my home congregation as well as the world at large. I knew I wanted to pursue formal biblical training but didn’t know where to start. Before finding Christian Leaders Institute, I had searched and found many traditional and online bible training institutions. The biggest challenge was cost as most averaged out at $10,000 and three to four years of training and I began to become discouraged that ministry training just was not going to happen for me. It was then that God opened the door and led me to Christian Leaders Institute.

I was very skeptical at first. I had spent money on a BA in History and then several thousand of MBA classes, so how was free going to mean anything? No charge usually equals no value and no credibility. I was so wrong. Christian Leaders Institute has given me an amazing platform to begin my ministry in counseling. In addition to the coursework here, I have completed the first level of certification through the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. God has already placed ministry opportunities in my path. My mentor and pastor have asked me to be the director of the Men’s Fellowship at church, as well as help plan and present a seminar on addictions and anxiety.

As part of a life group through my Pentecostal congregation, I have often been asked to step in and teach sessions, and I am currently planning a Latin America mission trip with a friend from church. I also felt called to learn Hebrew and have been lucky enough to work with someone that has offered to teach me and I have found real joy in learning the language of Jesus. Please pray that God continues to lead me and that I follow the path that he is forging for me. Allow me to be still and listen to Him and speak into and touch lives for His kingdom.

Henry Reyenga
Author: Henry Reyenga

Henry Reyenga is president of Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders Alliance.