Officiant Ordination Journey

Officiant Ordination Journey

Officiant Ordination Journey

Hello, my testimony is very long, it is a novel really! I have to remember that I am only writing about my officiant ordination journey here, so if I happen to get off topic, please forgive me. I have gone through so much in my life and I have not always stayed close to God. There was a time where I was very angry with Him in fact. I am a survivor of an abusive father, brother, and then the man who is now my ex-husband. Thankfully, I have found healing through God’s great power and grace. I have also since remarried, another gift from God.

Since I love weddings so much, I wanted to become ordained to officiate weddings. So, I went through Universal Life Church to become an officiant. I then started officiating for couples at their weddings, but I had this feeling of pulling at my heart that it was not right and it was not enough.

The Lord was leading me to grow in His Word and to gain further knowledge of Him through continued Bible study and education. I started looking for places to study online and found Christian Leaders Institute with its free ministry training and classes for ordination. And now I am going through each and every class to learn everything they have to teach me about everything they know. I am excited to learn and grow through this wonderful opportunity at Christian Leaders Institute. I am also excited about my ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance. My officiant ordination journey has been directed by God. I am eager to see what more He has in store for me through my studies at Christian Leaders Institute.

Learn about the ordained minister study programs and local ecuministry ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

Henry Reyenga
Author: Henry Reyenga

Henry Reyenga is president of Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders Alliance.