CLI Deacon Ordination

CLI Deacon Ordination

CLI Deacon Ordination

My name is Krystal and I am excited about this CLI Deacon Ordination. I’m a post vocational student with medical retirement from the military. I have goals in the area of social entrepreneurship and a continuation of global travel, including work in the area of short-term missions. I am a sole-parent to two children ages 17 and 9.

I was born in Southern California in 1981. At an early age, I felt called by God. I was saved as a guest at a family members church. My Grandmother would teach me Bible verses and I learned more about the Lord. As a young child, I had a deep care and concern for others. I remember, in Big Bear Lake, CA, at about age 9, I saw a mail pamphlet with a picture of a young girl in Mexico without food or clean clothes. I felt God pulling on my heart and I had great compassion for her. I always wanted to travel and serve in different nations. I got to do that at age 17 when I went into the United States Army and have continued to travel and volunteer in the global community and developing nations since that time.

The calling to ministry came to me as a child, but as I traveled in the military to different nations, God planted a seed in my heart. God placed a desire in me to travel, speak the gospel, pray and see people restored and healed.

As an adult, my faith was tested by life trials. After serving in the military for 6 years and retiring I faced many challenges. I made choices that led to even greater challenges in my life. God brought me back to a better spiritual place through prayer, reading His word and being involved with other Christians. I continue to seek to keep close to God and rely on Him for guidance.

I originally expected to have a career path of helping children in families in a nonprofit organization. Instead, God opened the door by providing opportunities for me and putting me on the path to connecting with a women’s Bible study. I met many great women and grew in my relationship with God.

In April of 2017, I traveled to the Philippines with a team. I helped get donations and ran a bazaar that raised funds for travel. I participated in events that led to team building and grew my skills in communication and working with others in a civilian environment. Our team was able to speak, perform theatre, teach children, and pray for the local people in a small village. Though there were challenges, that experience reaffirmed my desire to travel to other countries and share the gospel.

I connected with other families from a church in Bend, Oregon. Then in November of 2017, I moved to Texas with my daughter to help a launch team church plant near Austin. God provided new opportunities to serve in my community. I felt God leading me to volunteer at a local senior care center. I lead a small community group style service, praying and visiting with residents. I also am able to teach elementary age children’s church on a rotating schedule and have been able to share a healing testimony, financial testimony and occasionally give words after worship in church.

At the beginning of this year, I was able to travel to Mexico. Our team prayed for the sick, provided meals and schools supplies to children in need. In the future, I hope to travel to share the gospel and make connections with local churches wherever God leads me. I also hope to set an example to my children that regardless of their circumstances, if they follow God and stay strong in the Lord, He will work all things together for their good. I have seen that in my life and I hope as I press forward that God will also use my life as an example to give hope to others.

Finding Christian Leaders Institute and getting my CLI deacon ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance will help open doors as I branch out and move forward in ministry. The classes at CLI and the CLI deacon ordination have helped me in the area of confidence and building communication skills.

I am grateful for the opportunity to receive high-quality ministry training and this CLI deacon ordination while being able to work on a flexible schedule. It is an opportunity I might not have otherwise had. As a parent and non-traditional student, a seminary was not an option for me. Though I already have a degree, I have always wanted to take classes focused on Christ but could not justify the time or cost for my family. This opportunity is helpful and amazing!

Henry Reyenga
Author: Henry Reyenga

Henry Reyenga is president of Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders Alliance.