Restored Life Minister Dream

Restored Life Minister Dream

Restored Life Minister Dream: Remember the Prisoners

My name is Amanda Budro, and I have a Restored Life Minister dream. I was raised in Huntsville, Texas a small town of 35,000. One thing that is not small is the number of prisons in this town. Also, the busiest execution chamber in the United States is the Huntsville unit nicknamed The Walls Unit. Five hundred lethal injections have taken place since Texas reinstated the death penalty in 1982. You may be wondering why am I stating facts regarding executions? Please, stay with me.

Not many ministers visit the offenders on death row. My guess is maybe a handful do. This ministry is where I have been hearing God call my name. Some think I am crazy, and that is okay. But I do not count myself any better than any one of the offenders incarcerated. We have all sinned. God does not weigh sin; He does not say my sin is better than theirs.

Deacon Ordination and Restored Life Minister Dream

This ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance will open the door to further my goal to become a Restored Life Minister eventually. I hope to reach as many inside the prison systems as possible (especially death row). With the power of God working, I want to lead as many as possible to salvation.

Without the free ministry training I have received at Christian Leaders Institute, I would not be able to achieve my goal. I give thanks to God for CLI and all the ones that make free training available.

Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those mistreated as if you were suffering. (Hebrews 13:3) NIV.

Pray for the ones incarcerated, but also for their families. Please, pray for the Correctional Officers, Administration, Transport, Ministers, Chaplains, etc.

Henry Reyenga
Author: Henry Reyenga

Henry Reyenga is president of Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders Alliance.