Serving God

Serving God

Serving God In All Circumstances

I’m Martha Berge and I am serving God with my whole heart and life. I’m from a small town in central Connecticut. I grew up in a predominantly Christian home. My mother was a Sunday School teacher and superintendent. My father was an alcoholic who basically tolerated the fact that we were so into the church, but that didn’t stop us. I have one sister.

When I was in the second grade, I was diagnosed with ADD and arthritis. Most kids wouldn’t have made it as far as I did. If it weren’t for my faith, and the people God placed in my life when I needed it, I would be in a wheelchair or worse. As it is, He sent me an amazing woman of God who started a dance ministry and encouraged my passion for Him and the dance. Now I am trying to build my stamina back up so I can be serving God in this way again.

My mother also instilled in me a passion for helping others. As a toddler, she would bring me on outings with her clients at a local training school. As I got older, I helped her with our local care bank and then volunteered in the day program she worked for.

Having developmental issues myself, one of my goals is to break down the barriers and stigma that goes with being different. The other goal is to build up and encourage the youth in my community. I pray that God will continue to use me to show just what He can do in someone’s life.

My church is currently in search of a minister. We have an interim minister who is from a Baptist background. Since we are a Congregational Church, we baptize infants and this is not done in the Baptist church. Our interim also drives a long distance to be with us so home visits are not as easy for him. I look forward to helping my church family in this way with my Deacon Minister Ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance.

I strongly feel that my education at Christian Leaders Institute will help me be a better Sunday School teacher. I pray that it will open even more doors for me in the future. I am serving God even through adversity.

Henry Reyenga
Author: Henry Reyenga

Henry Reyenga is president of Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders Alliance.