Ordained Officiant Minister Journey

Ordained Officiant Minister Journey

Ordained Officiant Minister Journey

My name is Stephanie and I am on an ordained officiant minister journey with Christian Leaders Alliance. The Ordained Officiant Minister Course at CLI helps me in numerous ways. It will allow me to shadow and be mentored by seasoned ministers in order to get the full picture of how to perform weddings, funerals, etc. Just being able to relieve my own Pastor from some duties will help him out as well. In this way, one person doesn’t have to carry all the weight of the ministry.

Since I started at Christian Leaders Institute, some great things have happened in my life. One is that the more I study, the more my eyes open up. I can’t put my computer down. My soul is being nurtured and fed. I just thank God for His Grace and Mercy in my life. This class exceeds my expectations and more and more I am learning how to wait on God for answers and not trust in myself. His timing is the best timing.

My local church supports me on my ordained officiant minister journey. I seek to maintain a great relationship with those I meet. I like to help the people who need it. This ministry work causes me to network and meet new people, celebrities included. I have maintained friendships from around the globe. I see people that I wouldn’t normally get to see. The work I do in ministry comes naturally from the Lord.

I have been able to further my education and not have to stress out about tuition costs thanks to CLI. So that alone is a blessing. I feel accomplished right now, but not enough to not want more training and teaching. My goal, besides finishing CLI, is planning on serving the kingdom of God the best way I can. The harvest is plentiful. There are other doors opening up, I am just waiting for those to manifest. Continue to pray for me and I do the same for you. Ask God to keep me grounded and humbled. Even more to allow me to be a continued blessing to those around me. May God use my labor for His glory.

Henry Reyenga
Author: Henry Reyenga

Henry Reyenga is president of Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders Alliance.