Deacon Ordination Opportunity

Deacon Ordination Opportunity: I’M BACK!

Deacon Ordination Opportunity

My name is Rick Midkiff, and I am thankful for this Deacon Ordination opportunity at CLI. I live in Owensboro, Kentucky on the banks of the Ohio River. Owensboro is where I was born and grew up. I’m also a husband to a wonderful wife, father of six sons and grandfather to 19 grandchildren.

In 1996 at age 36, I gave my life to Jesus Christ. Throughout my adult life, before surrendering to Christ, I often ended up in a leadership position whether I chose it or not. Then about a year after my conversion, my wife and I were at our church’s monthly business meeting. A need arose for a Sunday School teaching position. I had no interest in filling it. The congregation was asked if anyone was interested in taking this position. When no one raised their hand, I heard a little boy sitting directly behind me say to his mom, ”I guess we won’t be getting a new teacher.” My heart dropped, but immediately my hand sprung into the air as if on its own. I was the “new teacher.” This teaching opportunity was the beginning of my serving Christ through the helping of others.

From that point on, I had a calling on my life that couldn’t ignore. Since that time, I have served the Lord through various positions in and out of the church. But, I’ve always felt leadership was my calling. To me Christian leadership is more than a position; it’s the display of the heart of God through servanthood.

Spiritual Warfare

I’ve often heard President Reyenga mention that anytime you take steps in the direction of leadership, the spiritual warfare begins. I know this to be very real. I have had many brothers and sisters in Christ as well as Christian leaders that acknowledge and encourage me in God’s calling on my life. However, I also had others that attempted to either limit or hinder that calling, either intentionally or unintentionally.

I was first led, by “accident” and by God, to Christian Leaders Institute in 2015 and began my leadership training. My first goal was to become an Ordained Deacon Minister. I made it through the first initial classes up to the Deacon Minister class. That was when the enemy began the warfare again. There arose some situations that caused me to cease my studies. For three and a half years, I allowed the enemy to prevent me from continuing.

But, I’M BACK!! And, I’m more determined than ever. This time nothing will detour me from reaching my destiny. God stirred up the fires again. He led me back to finish what I began. I love the training at CLI and missed it much. It feels good to be back and to complete this Deacon Minister Ordination finally.

Deacon Ordination Opportunity and Beyond

Receiving this Deacon Ordination opportunity through CLI is a great blessing for me. CLI blesses many other students that may not have this opportunity if it wasn’t for ministry. CLI is making a difference in the world by training up Godly leaders through Biblically sound, high-quality teaching. Then these leaders are sent out to the world to serve others.

I’m currently the Chaplain in a local chapter of an International Christian Motorcycle Ministry. The ordination credentials that I receive through CLI and Christian Leaders Alliance are crucial. They give validity to the call of God on my life. And, the training that I received through these classes will be used to minister to all that I meet. Many of these contacts may become CLI students themselves.

Please, pray that God gives me opportunities each week to share the Gospel and to reach out to those in need. I am a truck driver and meet many people along the way. Truck driving is just another way that this training and ministry ordination can be used.

I’m praying for you all. God bless you and thank you, CLI and CLA!

Henry Reyenga
Author: Henry Reyenga

Henry Reyenga is president of Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders Alliance.