Officiant Minister Ordination Journey

Officiant Minister Ordination Journey

Officiant Minister Ordination Journey And Beyond

My name is Linda Stockner, and here is my officiant minister ordination journey and beyond. I am married to a wonderful godly man that the good Lord brought into my life a few years ago. Together we have five grown children and ten grandbabies. We currently live in a small country town located in Mocksville, N.C. full of the friendliest people I have ever met. As well as, we are actively attending a Bible-believing church.

Early Years

I was raised in a Christian home by both parents. My father was a career soldier in the Air Force. He was a good father; but, he was extremely tough on the children and sometimes too strict. He was what I would call an “Officer Father” with an “Officer Mentality.” My mom was a lovely, godly lady.

With the upbringing I had, I could have gone either direction, extremely hard, and choosing the wrong path OR wanting to be more like my mom and learn that everyone deserves to be loved. With the nudging of my mom and the nudging of Jesus Christ, I chose the latter. I decided to choose to love even those that believe they do not deserve to be loved.

The Path to Salvation

I have always been involved in making the world a better place. Some of the ways I was involved in making this world a better place was through Girl Scouts, church activities, community service projects, and mission trips. At the age of eleven, I went on a mission trip with my youth group to Pigeon Forge. We went into the community, public schools and churches preaching the “Good News” as well as helping others to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

One night during our recap at the youth celebration, I heard the Lord speaking to me. He opened my eyes and showed me that I had shared with all these young people all about my best friend, Jesus Christ. Yet, I had never asked Him into my “own” heart and never asked Jesus to be the Lord in my “own” life. Jesus asked me if I thought it was time to step up and open my “own” heart entirely to Him. Jesus Christ explained that He had His arms opened wide, ready to accept me just as I am. He told me that I am worthy of being loved.

My Calling into Kingdom’s Work

One day more than twenty-five years ago, I was innocently walking down the sidewalk in my neighborhood to tell my children it was time to come home. In my spirit, I heard Jesus speak directly to me. He said, “You are going to become a motivational speaker.” I immediately did as anyone else would do. I emphatically responded, “No, I know what those people have to go through.” Jesus laughed.

The Lord has been preparing me and training me throughout my entire life to work in His fields for Kingdom’s work. He is calling me to go into places, including where I would not want to go. For instance, the adult men prisons, the juvenile justice prisons, shelters for neglected and abused children, and many places I would rather not even know about them. I was called to evangelize to these unlovable people and let them know they are loved. Eventually, I knew I was called into full-time ministry.

Training at CLI

After college, I joined the corporate world for thirty years and had a very successful career. While working, I continued my evangelism (i.e. prayer rally’s, mission trips and mission projects), community outreach (i.e. mentoring juveniles in prison, VBS, clubs and other ways to reach people for Christ) and working diligently in various positions at church (i.e. Sunday school teaching, Bible drill, VBS, women’s ministry).

I left my last job due to issues as I could not morally or ethically accept their beliefs and work ethics. The first week home, I heard a voice in my spirit that became stronger and stronger until it was nearly deafening. I knew that I had to begin my work on my second bachelor’s degree. I received my first Bachelor’s in Science with a teaching field of mathematics from Jacksonville State University in 1987. And I used this degree to become a statistician.

Now, I chose to begin my courses at Christian Leaders Institute to earn a Bachelor’s in Divinity. The classes are outstanding and are Biblically based. I can use many of the course videos and training in Sunday school and Bible studies. And the best part is that I am graduating with no financial burdens.

Officiant Minister Ordination Journey

During the time I worked on my Bachelor’s degree, I expanded my horizons and took other courses needed to further my future needs. I decided to go through the course for deacon minister and officiant minister. I completed the acquired training and received three local Christian endorsers or church leaders. The next step was to contact CLI and request an ordination through CLI. Abby Reyenga, Henry Reyenga, and Morgan Edwards performed an amazing officiant minister ordination for the Christian Leaders Alliance.

They asked me an essential question about how I got to this point in my life? The best way to answer that question is to use the example of David in the Bible. I am unable to compare myself with David in the Bible, yet, that is the only example I had. The Lord called me onto this path many years before going into full-time ministry. I was prepped, trained, and given tasks to do that would teach and equip me with the qualities I must possess to be able to be where God has preordained me to go out into the world. I will evangelize, officiate weddings and funerals, go into prisons and teach or preach the Gospel of the Good News.

Moments after my ordination, someone asked if I felt any different. I did feel different. I felt a mantle placed upon my shoulders. It was more than just an anointment. It was like a heavy robe that belonged to Jesus that was full of the Holy Spirit. I am to take this mantle with me into the world to spread the Gospel and gather His children. I also heard the words, “The time is near and the harvest is ripe.”


Where do I go from here? I am unsure. What I do know is that the Lord has taught me, the Lord has trained me, the Lord has equipped me, and the Lord has anointed me. My job is to go and tell. My job is to gather His children. I am to take Jesus Christ with me and to love, especially those that do not feel like they deserve love. Let my final words be: “One more; just one more, Lord.”

Henry Reyenga
Author: Henry Reyenga

Henry Reyenga is president of Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders Alliance.