Minister Ordination Credibility Journey

Minister Ordination Credibility Journey

Minister Ordination Credibility Journey

I am Roda Brecht, and the following is my minister ordination credibility journey. I reside in Bellevue, Washington. I am a mother to three kids and stepmom to two. So I have a family of five kids and a husband who is a dear dad to our children.

I was born in Zimbabwe and moved to the United States of America in 1999. I settled in Seattle, Washington, and have been in the area ever since. I still have strong ties to Zimbabwe as I have nieces and nephews who live there. I was raised in a Christian home since I was young and have had the opportunity to witness God doing beautiful things in my life.

My Ministry Ordination Journey

I spent the last few years ministering at our local church more in the prophetic. My calling became more apparent when I started praying, laying on of hands, and miraculous healing taking place. Also, I give people a word, and it would come to pass. Touching people’s lives through prayer has been part of my ministry journey. With that, I started reading more, fasting and praying. I started a house church with my husband. By God’s grace, we are growing in our church little by little. We believe Jesus is coming soon, and we have work to do in preparation for His return.

I thank God for Christian Leaders Institute and the opportunity for the free ministry training I receive there. I am also thankful for this ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance. It is a great way to show what God is doing in my life with a certificate to show the hard work and the dedication we put into what we do. The ordination will give credibility to our ministry work.

God’s peace be with you all!

Henry Reyenga
Author: Henry Reyenga

Henry Reyenga is president of Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders Alliance.