Clergy Credibility

Clergy Credibility with CLA

My name is Melodie Freshour, and the clergy credibility with the Christian Leaders Alliance is a blessing for me. Although I was born and raised in Alaska, I’m very blessed to be living in a beautiful country home in Arkansas.

New Direction and Online Learning at CLI

Due to the Coronavirus shutdown, I realized that I am in a season of needing the Word poured into me. While others lamented feeling isolated, I was busy online, soaking up Godly messages. It was great. However, in so doing, I realized that playing (bass) with the worship team took all my Sunday morning time and precluded my attendance at other churches. With tears, I stepped away from making music to pursue more content and learning. Online learning at the Christian Leaders Institute will provide opportunities to meet this deep spiritual need.

Having been a member of the worship team, I have the gift of being able to use music to worship the Lord and move others to do so as well. Everything I do, and everywhere I go, I pray is a living, breathing testimony to Jesus Christ. Due to health issues, I spend a lot of time in the hospital and find it a huge opportunity to share the Bible with others. It’s a blessing to be in the hospital, not a curse.

Clergy Credibility with Study at CLI and Ordination with CLA

Because I was required to take medical retirement early in life, my retirement stipend is at the poverty level. Being able to access quality educational courses at CLI fo little to no cost is the only way I can grow. I want to expand my opportunities to be of higher, official, proper service to the Lord. I’m a consummate student.

The Deacon Minister ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance is a beautiful opportunity for clergy credibility as well.

Please, pray for the health issues that interfere in my life. I also need prayer for a ministry partner (to go two by two) and for wherever God’s calling leads. Thank you!

I’m ready, Lord, use me!

Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the Christian Leaders College.

Henry Reyenga
Author: Henry Reyenga

Henry Reyenga is president of Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders Alliance.