Life Coach Training

Life Coach Training

Greetings, my name is Tim Ketchum. I live in beautiful Linn Creek, located on the Lake of the Ozarks in central Missouri. I live in a magnificent part of the USA with my wife Carrin and Sarah and Logan, our children. Carrin and I have been married for almost 25 years and have enjoyed the love, wins, and challenges of life and marriage. Sarah and Logan are 20-year-old twins. Our life has been an extraordinary circus for a while. Now that they are in college with more independence, I can devote energy to ministry studies and life coach training at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about online free Bible courses, Click Here).

My Life Coach Calling and Training Story

I have been a Christian from an early age and have known the grace, love, and power of our Lord. He has been present in my life in an undeniable way. My parents were missionaries for over 50 years and had the opportunity to serve Christ and share His love with many. After their passing, we have continued the small Bible distribution ministry they began more than 40 years ago. We purchase and send Bibles to various churches and ministers in Central America.

I always felt a calling to be part of the ministry and didn’t quite know in what capacity. Over the years, people have come to me for advice or talk something out. Recently, the Lord revealed to me that life coaching, mentoring, or counseling is a place He has for me to share His love and grace.

As I watched videos on YouTube, the Christian Leaders Institute “just happened” to pop up. As I researched, I felt that CLI is where to begin life coach training formally. So, in late 2020, I started taking classes and found them informative and enjoyable. I thank God that He continued to encourage me and drive me to complete the program. It was not always easy to push forward with life’s challenges and distractions. But, with the Holy Spirit softly speaking and motivating, I felt His desire for my life. He has something to be accomplished, and I am grateful to be used.

My Ministry Journey

Studying at CLI has been a great experience. I have learned a great deal and am excited to see what God has in store. As each class unfolded, I felt the knowledge and understanding growing in a way that applies to those God puts in my path. As I started the journey, I kept an open mind and heart to listen for how I was to proceed. I as “ed, “How would this play out in my life and how does God want to us” me?”

With each lesson, I see a clearer picture. With opportunities already placed before me, the hand of God is indeed at work. I work in an industry where I lead people and work with individuals from many different backgrounds. Some are highly successful, and some are profoundly hurting. Some believe they have everything figured out, while others desperately seek advice. Being able to sGod’sGod’s wisdom in a way where people can accept and own it is such a wonderful blessing.

I am also beginning a new ministry where we will use Life Coaching to reach those in my community. Our Lord is so gracious and loving. He gives us the right thing at just the right time.

God at Work

Looking forward, I believe that each client and I will see the hand of God move and His understanding revealed during our sessions. God will remove confusion, lower stress, and restore excitement and hope for the future. He will open their eyes to opportunities and clarity.

Now that I have become a licensed Life Coach with the Christian Leaders Alliance, there is a certain degree of confidence to move forward. With the direction and guidance of the Lord and His divine appointments, there will be a place for me to help others. I want to thank CLI for their open heart to allow the Lord to use them as a vessel for the Kingdom. As we, the Church, stand in unity and boldness, we can change lives and the world for Christ. I am very grateful that the Lord has allowed me to live at this point in history and be used for His purpose.

Thank you for reading my story and for your consideration of the Lord and CLI.

I will leave you one final thought. My father had a saying that I heard my entire life. It was the last thing he said to me when I left his house the evening he passed. He said, “Take the Lord with you.” So I leave you with that: Take the Lord with you!

Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost college degree? Check out the Christian Leaders College.

Henry Reyenga
Author: Henry Reyenga

Henry Reyenga is president of Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders Alliance.