Being a Licensed Wedding Officiant

Being a Licensed Wedding Officiant

God’s Love is the Ultimate Foundation

I grew up in a Christian home and attended church my whole life. In being a Licensed Wedding Officiant with the CLA and through the training at CLI, I look forward to my next steps in ministry (Learn more about studying the Bible online, Click Here).

My Story

Married, we recently celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary. We have two grown sons. I gained a bonus daughter five years ago when a young lady from my church life group came to live with us. She was escaping a poor home environment. With God’s help, we assisted her mom and siblings to flee the domestic violence. They have begun healing and building a new life.

I have always worked in service-related fields. Currently, I work as the Director of Finance and Human Resources for a medium-sized ambulance company.

I served at a local church in Halifax, Pennsylvania, as a Sunday School Teacher, Lay Reader, and Health Aide. For the last eight years, I served as a Girl’s Youth Life Group Leader and Mentor. I believe in serving and teaching. God has given me a desire to provide counseling to youth and young adults. This path is leading me to be a better Christian.

Being a Licensed Wedding Officiant

Being a Licensed Christian Wedding Officiant will help me in ministry. I hope it will open the door to counseling. As a Wedding Officiant, I have the ability to help couples. Some may come to know God and know Jesus as their Savior. For others, I may help them to deepen their relationship with God, as well as help them begin their marriage with a solid foundation in Christ. I can perhaps help them to understand how their individual biases and baggage from past relationships and modeled marital relationships influence them. Also, I can share with them how to fight right, with respect, honor, and love.

The programs through Christian Leaders Institute are well designed and lead you through the course requirements in a logical manner. Each course leads you to a deeper understanding of God, His Word, and His Love. I am excited to pursue the path which God has set before me and to continue growing in Him. Blessing to you all!

Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost college degree? Check out the Christian Leaders College.

Henry Reyenga
Author: Henry Reyenga

Henry Reyenga is president of Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders Alliance.