Associate Pastor Training

Associate Pastor Training

Associate Pastor Training

My name is Kerry Eugene Tugman and I am receiving associate pastor training at Christian Leaders Institute. I retired from the United States Marine Corps in 2004 with 23 plus years of service. I currently reside in Janesville, California, and work with the United States Army as a Lead Production Controller. I conduct leadership training classes to those who wish to participate and the classes are generally around 10 to 13 participants.

I am the first born of two children, I was born in 1959. My parents were not saved and did not attend church, not on a regular basis. They were very supportive when I started my commitment to Jesus and first felt the calling. In my young adult life, I drifted from my walk with Jesus. I married and a year or so later I joined the United States Marine Corps. While serving my country, I learned a great deal about leadership and training marines. I served as Drill Instructor for two years in San Diego and as a Marine Officer Instructor at the University Of Utah for three years. During my Marine career, my faith was challenged numerous times.

During these trails, I was divorced. I struggled with the calling because of the divorce. I felt as though I was not worthy. This led me to walk a different path for numerous years. I remarried and things did not fare well that time either. Once I retired from the Corps, I worked a few different jobs. I was Kennel Manager for the Yuma Humane Society Shelter. I worked as a Correctional Officer for a year and then decided to seek a second career as civilian for DOD. I am fifteen years into my second career and started attending church on a regular basis. It is a very small rural church and the community is small as well.

I have come to terms with my walk with Christ and feel the calling once again. I reviewed many different avenues and I wound up on Christian Leaders Institute’s site. I am challenged to be a better person in my walk with Christ and want to share the gospel with those I meet. In my teenage years, I had the calling but chose a different path. Now that I have renewed my faith and with the experience in leadership I developed in the Corps, God has given me a new perspective. I want to heed this calling and receive the associate pastor training so that I can serve my church. I am a big proponent of mentorship and speak of this often in the Leadership class I provide. I witness the glory of God to all that will listen and offer to conduct Bible studies.

Our church struggled for quite a few months in 2017, selecting a new pastor due to health issues with the pastor. We finally selected our new pastor. My plan is to seek associate pastor training and ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance. I would love to serve in our local church to aide our new pastor. I enjoy teaching others which I have done for many years. I am very much looking forward to pursuing this course in my walk with God. I have met someone who I am very fond of and she enjoys the same things as I do. We enjoy attending church together and the fellowships that follow. I have proposed and she has said yes. My journey continues and I am eager to see what all God has planned!

Henry Reyenga
Author: Henry Reyenga

Henry Reyenga is president of Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders Alliance.

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