Ordained Ministry Dream

Ordained Ministry Dream

Ordained Ministry Dream

Read how ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance and free ministry training at Christian Leaders Institute is bringing this man closer to realizing his ordained ministry dream of ministering in God’s kingdom especially in ministry to men.

My name is Mike Petersen. I have an ordained ministry dream for my life in ministry to men and where ever the Lord may lead and guide me. I currently live in Stockholm, Sweden. My calling in ministry is primarily to start men’s ministries and the strengthening of families. By being ordained nondenominationally with Christian Leaders Alliance, it gives me the possibility to work for the kingdom of God between churches and denominations. At the moment, I am part of the leading of men’s ministry in my local church, but I am also working with several other churches to increase these ministries to men in Sweden. Besides that, I am working with church leaders in East Africa in different areas of their ministry.

The training through Christian Leaders Institute has provided me the opportunity to get qualified and quality ministry training free of charge, but more importantly, I can put together the courses I need when I need them. The ability to do the coursework as my schedule allows and as I see the need is a huge blessing for me. I already now see a positive effect in my contact with church leaders from this training at Christian Leaders Institute. My prayer request from you is that there shall be a breakthrough and revival amongst the men all around the world. I pray that they shall stand up as sons in the kingdom. That they will guide lead and protect family values and our future generations.

Learn about local ecuministry ordinations and ordained minister study programs at Christian Leaders Alliance.

Henry Reyenga
Author: Henry Reyenga

Henry Reyenga is president of Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders Alliance.