Ordained Journey

God Ordained Journey

Ordained Journey to Ministry

My name is Dori Umphreys, and I am on an ordained journey to ministry. I live in Nebraska in the USA. I am a happily married wife of six years to John and the mother of five children that I homeschool. Three have graduated already, and two are still at home. I am disabled due to PTSD and other health issues.

I found the Christian Leaders Institute when I did a web search for affordable Bible colleges. I’m currently studying at CLI to get my Associate degree in Divinity and a Women’s ministry certificate. Eventually, I hope to pursue a Bachelor degree in Chaplaincy. If all comes to be, I’ll be able to work at a hospital someday or wherever God leads me.

My Early Years

I grew up in a Christian home with wonderful Christian parents and grandparents. I initially accepted Christ into my life at age five. Over the years, I often felt confused and sometimes doubted my salvation. As a teen, I rebelled and wandered away from my faith. At 19, my grandmother took me to a Christian Women’s Club meeting. There, I renewed my faith in Christ and wanted to follow Him again. At age 20, I was baptized. Since then, I continue to follow God’s word in my life and teach it to my children.

When I was younger, I was a victim of crime. It led to other things that caused poor choices in my life. I was frightened into silence, so I didn’t tell anyone what happened to me until I was 24. Then, I was diagnosed with PTSD. I also have experienced an abusive relationship, as well. Praise God, I survived it and am finding healing. One thing I discovered in my healing process was a lack of spiritual encouragement and Christian support groups. Most groups and centers were helpful. However, I felt I couldn’t share my faith or get spiritual help except through my counselor.

So over the years, as I’ve tried to heal from the trauma, I felt called by God. I am to help and provide spiritual counsel to girls and women who have experienced trauma and abuse. I want to be able also to lead Christian support groups for women.

Ordained Journey to Ministry

On my ministry journey, I learned that women shouldn’t be pastors. Therefore, I didn’t think I could get ministry training unless I married. Then, I met some women doing ministry. Meeting them was life-changing. Ministry training is essential for me to help other women. With my PTSD, I still struggle with things. However, I’m working to be where I can use my experience to help others. My degree from Christian Leaders Institute will give me the training I need to fulfill God’s calling to me.

My main ministry is to my wonderful husband and my five children in being a wife, homemaker, and homeschool mom. I don’t plan to stop that ministry. However, as my kids reach adulthood, I’ll soon be entering a new chapter in my life. I want to be equipped to minister to other women as well. Currently, I am happy to be a wife, homeschool mom, homemaker, and college student.

Ordination Credibility

The Deacon Minister Ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance will help my ministry. People will see my training as credible and legitimate. God blessed me in my current ministry to encourage and reach out to women who are struggling, been abused in the past, or have a mental illness, etc. People say that I encourage them and bring hope to their lives, which is excellent. I hope to continue to serve God by helping other women.

My training at CLI taught me what a ministry requires. It has helped me see where I’m at in my walk with God. CLI continually challenges me to grow spiritually, personally, and professionally. Please, pray that God will give me the wisdom and words to say when I meet other women. Also, pray that I’ll continue to grow and heal so I can use my past to help others. It is a way to give back since God has blessed me with people who have been there for me.

Henry Reyenga
Author: Henry Reyenga

Henry Reyenga is president of Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders Alliance.