Journey to Youth Minister Ordination

Journey to Youth Minister Ordination

Journey to Youth Minister Ordination at CLI and CLA

My name is Jordan Hamilton, and I am on a journey to youth minister ordination. I live in New York State. I grew up in a Christian home, going to church every week. However, now in my twenties, I have started to follow Jesus whole-heartedly. I currently work in a vineyard, which I have been at for over five years.

Youth Ministry Service

Currently, I lead the youth ministry at my home church with my wife. This ministry allows me an excellent opportunity to reach many of the kids and teens in our town for the Lord. We put together youth groups and various youth activities throughout the year to help us in our outreach. I also serve on the board of deacons at my church and serve as the janitor/maintenance man. My dream is to open a teen center in my town someday.

Ministry Goals and Dreams

My goals at the Christian Leaders Institute are to receive my youth minister ordination. I also plan to receive a bachelor of divinity degree. Receiving this deacon ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance is an essential step in that process. The course has pushed me to seek the backing of several people in my church for endorsements. Their endorsements encourage me and ensure that I should continue in this direction.

The college-level training I have been receiving at Christian Leaders Institute since I began a few years ago has been of incredible help to me as I pursue this ministry direction. Please continue praying for me. That I would be bold in proclaiming the gospel in this way, and that God would keep my heart on Him.

Are you interested in ordination? Check out the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost college degree? Check out the Christian Leaders College.

Henry Reyenga
Author: Henry Reyenga

Henry Reyenga is president of Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders Alliance.