Commended Minister Program

Are you called to minister in a specific role?

Are you called to minister in a specific role? Maybe you volunteer at your local church. Maybe you have limited time in your busy week, but you know you are called to ministry. Do you feel the spark for helping others in your community?

Would you like to be more confident in ministering to others? Do you want competence through completing ministry training courses? Do you want credibility by finishing one of the roles of the commended minister program?

Christian Leaders Alliance wants to fan into flame the gift that the Holy Spirit gave to you!

For this reason, I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.

What is the Commended Minister Program?

The commended minister program is a non-licensed and non-ordained minister program for called Christian leaders who have some time each week to serve in a ministry role at their local church, a local Christian ministry, or their community.

The commended minister program is a non-licensed and non-ordained minister program for called Christian leaders who have some time each week to serve in a ministry role at their local church, a local Christian ministry, or their community.

Are you licensed or ordained?

If not, this program is a possible first step in a credentialed clergy minister program at Christian Leaders Alliance.

The Commended Minister Program is part of the credentialing programs of the Christian Leaders Alliance, including Clergy Minister programs. Christian Leaders Alliance has three Minister Credential Programs.

The Commended Minister Program is for:

What are the benefits of the commended minister program?

What will you be permitted to do in ministry?

The Commended Minister program permits you to give supportive ministry in the areas you have completed your training. For example, if you have completed the Commended Prayer Minister role, you can be commissioned at your church to be one of the Prayer Ministers.

The commended prayer minister is required to complete:

- Connections Ministry Basics (3 Credits)

-Prayer (3 Credits)

-Commended Minister Recognition Class (0 credits)

Total 6 credits

There are many roles to choose from as you discern your ministry calling.

Enrollment Steps:

1. Enroll in the Getting Started registration class that will take you 15 minutes to complete.

2. Complete the tuition-free study program in your specific area of calling or interest.

3. Complete the Commended Minister Credential class, where you are required to submit one recommendation.

4. Order your Commended Minister credentials if you desire them.

The Commended Minister program is an opportunity to be a minister without being licensed or ordained clergy at this point. Our goal is to mobilize an army of Christian leaders trained, commended, and commissioned to do confident ministry everywhere!