Online Youth Minister Ordination

Online Youth Minister Ordination

Hi! My name is Michael Commorato. I am getting free ministry training at the Christian Leaders Institute (Learn more about Studying the Bible, Click Here) and my online youth minister ordination with the Christian Leaders Alliance. I went from a non-believer radio commercial producer to an ordained youth minister five years later! Does God work in ‘mysterious ways’? Not according to Him! But, to us, it’s a wonder how we’re in His sight at all! And you know what? We are! He LOVES us!

For many, many years, I earned a living as a Voice Actor/Radio Commercial Producer. I also taught the craft at various High Schools, Seminars, and Colleges. I LOVED speaking to the school-aged students the most as we had a great connection. Even though I was 30+ years older than they were, neither they nor I cared (I’m still a child at heart, anyway)!

God Brought Me Back from Death to Life in Him

On January 8th of 2016, I suffered a major heart attack, died for four seconds, followed by 6-bypass heart surgery. God saved me that night after I received dozens upon dozens of ‘messages’ that I was to ‘come back’ and ‘share with everyone three years later’ (not sure why the wait). Well, here I am today teaching the gospel! I’ve created Learning God Ministries, and many of you are familiar with my YouTube posts.

Now, I have a complete and utter passion to disciple youth and for them to pass it on! I could NOT have done this without God leading me to the Christian Leaders Institute (CLI)! The answer to this puzzle was complete. CLI has trained me, and CLA has ordained me. My online youth minister ordination is what I needed for credentials and credibility. God bless you guys! I am now beginning my second life to share God’s teachings with youth! I cannot wait to see what else God has in store for me! I’m excited to go through it with Him! Whatever you do, do it with God! Thank you, and God bless you all!



Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the Christian Leaders College.

Henry Reyenga
Author: Henry Reyenga

Henry Reyenga is president of Christian Leaders Institute and Christian Leaders Alliance.