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Dale Parker
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Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To help train and support Christian Leaders in his area!

Ministry Journey

Dale Parker is from White River Junction Vermont. He is 61 years old, he was widowed at the end of 2016.

Growing up his family always had a strong faith. His grandfather founded a church, his uncle a church planter, there has been a long line of church builders in his family history. His father went home to the Lord when I was a teenager. The minister of one of his dads relatives came to his house to try and explain Jesus to him. Dale knew more about the Lord than the Pastor did. Dale turned away from religion at about 18 years old.

He still had a strong faith and studied on his own returning to bible studies in my late 20's, At that time a good friend was having home bible studies. Finding the saving grace of God was such an effervescent feeling he knew the way to go. Soon his studies took me beyond what he was teaching.

In the area he lives there are many churches, and non christian religions. Most fall short of knowing and teaching the word of God.

CLI will help him fulfill the dreams of helping to save more of Gods children. With a house church ministry, and with Gods help, pastor of a church. He is now leading prayer meetings, and bible studies. When he was ordained with CLI as a Officiant Minister in 2018 his local church has asked him to assist, leading the congregation when the senior pastor is away.

Dana Rioux
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To share the Gospel of Christ and be God's faithful leader! Also, support and mentor other CLI students!

Ministry Journey

Dana Rioux have always been a Christian, born in a small USA town to a French Catholic family and attended parochial school taught by Franciscan sisters until grade 8. He became an altar boy during those years and received religious instruction from the sisters until I entered high school.

He lived in a strict family environment where they recited the rosary every night as a family. Completed a bachelor's degree in Teacher Education with a specialization in French. After some years of teaching, he returned to college and earned a master's degree in the Teaching of French (M.A.T.) His wife Jean and him were married in a Methodist Church and have no children.

He is currently a Deacon for the Washburn Church in Sherman, Maine and has been providing worship services for the past four months. CLI training is important to Dana and he hopes that this pathway will provide the background that will enable me to continue to do so. His church no longer has a minister and the congregation has asked him to continue as its spiritual leader.

Dana Rioux feels privileged to be able to serve God in this way and hope that this new endeavor will enhance his knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and will enable him to deliver to others, as God calls him to do.

Obrellia Davis
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Her Ministry dream is to support, encourage and raise up other Christian leaders. As well as minister to the lost.

Ministry Journey

Obrellia Davis came to Jesus at 18 years old. She was a teen mother of two and very broken. Jesus Christ began to transform her life through the power of the Holy Spirit.

As she grew in God, she made many mistakes and learned first hand of the great mercy of God. Obrellia 's own trials lit a flame to help others, which turned into a passion for community outreach and helping hurting women, especially those young in the Lord. " It's a joy to help those young in the Lord grow in the grace and strength of Jesus." Obrellia believes it's important to encourage the body of Christ and help them become kingdom mined. She is strong in her faith and excited to do the work of Jesus. Obrellia, strongly believes in holding up the arms of her Pastor Dr. Bekele through prayer and service to him as he serves God in humility and integrity.

Obrellia Davis is the mother of 4 children and grandmother of 4. She has accomplished a lot through the help of Jesus Christ. She has an Associate Degree in Human Services, Bachelor Degree in Nursing, Master Degree in Business Management, and a Master Degree in Business with a focus on Organizational Leadership.

Obrellia is ordained as a Deacon and Officiant Minister with CLA in 2018!
