Deidre Dominick

Deidre Dominick
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up revival leaders!

Ministry Journey

Deidre Dominick is 44 years old. Deidre is married and the mother of 2 incredible boys and lives in Cape Town, South Africa.


Deidre has completed 21 credit hours at CLI is ordained as an officiant minister.

Deidre's testimony in her own words:

The first encounter I had with God was when I was 6yrs old. God showed me in a vision a Shepherd herding sheep. When I was 9 years old, I started studying the book of Revelation. I got saved when I was 14, received the holy spirit and spoke in tongues that very same night. Was baptized 3weeks later.

My life since then has been a series of prophecies from local and international Pastors and prophets and prophecies including the birth of my son, being a community leader and spreading the gospel to nations. I always felt a strong desire to see not just revival in the church, but Christians receiving the revelation of the love of God and centering him in the church and in their lives.

15 years after I was saved God gave me a vision of the church. That led to me writing my first book called 'The Vision of the Church'. I am the founder of a voluntary non- profit organization called women's incorporated community outreach (WINCCO). The organization is for the upliftment and empowerment of women. It is in running this organization that I have decided to join CLI to equip me for the mission of spreading the gospel through this organization.

The calling to teach the Gospel to women has been clarified more with every step I took to the starting of the organization I run.



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