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Kenny Sallee
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To provide pastoral care, as a Community Chaplain, to
those outside the church and by ultimately starting a Christian faith
mentoring and counseling center to the unchurched.

Ministry Journey

To provide pastoral care, as a Community Chaplain, to
those outside the church and by ultimately starting a Christian faith
mentoring and counseling center to the unchurched.

Ministry Journey: Kenny is married and lives in Oconto, Wisconsin, a
small community north of Green Bay. He is known in the area where he
lives as Cap'n Kenny. Together, he and his wife, Nancy, operate a small
charter/tour boat company on the Great Lakes during the summer months
and travel south during the winter months. They attend worship together
in a small ELCA Lutheran church in Marinette, Wisconsin.

As a child, Kenny grew up in California and was raised in the Baptist
traditions, although his family seldom attended church. His father
worked in the construction trade after he left the military, and the
family traveled to wherever his father could find work. Kenny attended
14 different schools before graduating from high school. After high
school, Kenny enlisted into the US Army and was sent to fight in Vietnam
shortly afterwards. He continued his military career after Vietnam
serving in the Continental United States and Pacific regions until he
retired after 23 years of service. After the military, Kenny has worked
as an electronics technician for the Federal Aviation Administration, as
an aircraft electrician for the US Air Force, and as a cross-country
truck driver for a national carrier. Kenny is now a US Merchant Mariner
licensed as a Ship's Master (Captain).

Kenny's current ministry is Chaplain for the military veteran service
organizations in Oconto, Wisconsin, where he lives. He also volunteers
as a visitation minister with a hospice organization in Northeast
Wisconsin, and with the VA Medical Center in Iron Mountain, Michigan.
Kenny also maintains an online ministry website where he shares the love
of Christ Jesus worldwide through daily devotions and lectionary
scripture readings.

Kenny started studying with CLI in 2015 and completed the Bachelor of
Divinity Degree with a Chaplaincy Emphasis in 2019. He is currently
working towards a Master of Theological Studies Degree at Nations
University in New Orleans, Louisiana. Kenny is ordained through
Christian Leaders Alliance as a Chaplain Minister.

Kenny is willing to mentor new CLI students and graduates in the
Northeastern Wisconsin/Michigan Upper Peninsula area. He will also
assist them in the ordination process with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Obrellia Davis
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Her Ministry dream is to support, encourage and raise up other Christian leaders. As well as minister to the lost.

Ministry Journey

Obrellia Davis came to Jesus at 18 years old. She was a teen mother of two and very broken. Jesus Christ began to transform her life through the power of the Holy Spirit.

As she grew in God, she made many mistakes and learned first hand of the great mercy of God. Obrellia 's own trials lit a flame to help others, which turned into a passion for community outreach and helping hurting women, especially those young in the Lord. " It's a joy to help those young in the Lord grow in the grace and strength of Jesus." Obrellia believes it's important to encourage the body of Christ and help them become kingdom mined. She is strong in her faith and excited to do the work of Jesus. Obrellia, strongly believes in holding up the arms of her Pastor Dr. Bekele through prayer and service to him as he serves God in humility and integrity.

Obrellia Davis is the mother of 4 children and grandmother of 4. She has accomplished a lot through the help of Jesus Christ. She has an Associate Degree in Human Services, Bachelor Degree in Nursing, Master Degree in Business Management, and a Master Degree in Business with a focus on Organizational Leadership.

Obrellia is ordained as a Deacon and Officiant Minister with CLA in 2018!
