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Dana Rioux
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To share the Gospel of Christ and be God's faithful leader! Also, support and mentor other CLI students!

Ministry Journey

Dana Rioux have always been a Christian, born in a small USA town to a French Catholic family and attended parochial school taught by Franciscan sisters until grade 8. He became an altar boy during those years and received religious instruction from the sisters until I entered high school.

He lived in a strict family environment where they recited the rosary every night as a family. Completed a bachelor's degree in Teacher Education with a specialization in French. After some years of teaching, he returned to college and earned a master's degree in the Teaching of French (M.A.T.) His wife Jean and him were married in a Methodist Church and have no children.

He is currently a Deacon for the Washburn Church in Sherman, Maine and has been providing worship services for the past four months. CLI training is important to Dana and he hopes that this pathway will provide the background that will enable me to continue to do so. His church no longer has a minister and the congregation has asked him to continue as its spiritual leader.

Dana Rioux feels privileged to be able to serve God in this way and hope that this new endeavor will enhance his knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and will enable him to deliver to others, as God calls him to do.

Ed Butler
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To be part of a revival starting in his own life, extending to his church and expanding to the whole world.

Ministry Journey

Ed Butler was in Berwyn, Illinois in 1961 and raised in Joliet, Illinois area. His parents were not Christians started to attend church in Hickory Hills Illinois shortly after his birth. He grew up in that church and was saved at the age of 9.

At one point He read a book called Halftime by Bob Buford. In it he described how God had led

Christian Leaders Alliance Elder-Director gives the ordination prayer for Ed Butler.

him to spend the second half of his life in service to the Lord. He remembers thinking how that would be an amazing goal.

Ed and his family moved to Texas in 2000. He became increasingly convinced that God was working and calling me to ministry.

By 2014, Christian Leaders Institute was an answer to prayer for ministry training. CLI was a perfect fit for his lifestyle.

After graduating with his Bachelor of Divinity degree, Ed took a position as interim pastor at FBC in Quinlan, Tx. They called him to be there full time Pastor just a few months later. They have grown from around 25 at his first Sunday to averaging 75-85 most Sunday mornings in the first two year at this church.

Ed will willing to mentor any Christian Leaders Student and assist them into ordination as the Lord leads.

Gregory Mcdowell
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To share the word of God with the lost and mentor other Christian leaders.

Ministry Journey

Gregory McDowell lives in Oxford, Maine in the United States. He has been blessed by God with a loving wife and two wonderful children. He disabled US Veteran he currently works in the entertainment/ hospitality industry.

Read his testimony in his own words.

"Since, being reborn a little over nine years ago, wanting and being felt drawn to do more for the Lord in 2011 I began an internet evangelist ministry Good Day In YHWH. The ministry uses blogging, podcasting, YouTube, and social media. I would like to do more locally, with jail/ prison, senior homes, hospital, and first responder ministry. In the future there maybe a church plant, but that is all in His plan. It is my belief that Christian Leaders Institute help me attain the proper training and credentials I will need for this calling and also feel the Lord has lead me here to this ministry.

Being 48yrs old it would be very difficult for me relocate a scholarship through the Christian Leaders Institute will help me achieve these goals through their online courses and still be able to do my current vocation and current ministry missions."

Gregory got ordained as a Deacon Ministers with CLA in 2017.

Scott Shorey
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To lead and mentor others to Christ through His Holy Word and godly music.

Ministry Journey

Scott Shorey has a long history with God. He was taught about Him when he was six or seven years old. As he got older he drifted away from God. When Scott got married his wife had a strong belief in Christ and eventually brought Scott back to Him. Scott now is a worship music leader at his church and fills in with the services from time to time.

He likes to increase his knowledge in the Word of God. Music is his connection to how he understands a lot of Gods word along with his pastors teachings.

CLI training has benefited him greatly and helps him understand the word of God even better!

He is an Ordained Minister with Christian Leaders Institute!
