Mentor Ministers

Mentor ministers are ordained through the Christian Leaders Alliance. These Mentor Ministers have expressed their willingness to mentor Christian Leaders Institute students and graduates in their ministry training. If someone needs to be ordained, these Mentors will assist if needed.  Each Mentor Minister has gone through the ordination process with Christian Leaders Alliance. This directory is growing and reaching more places.

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Joseph Alexander
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To help raise up more Christian Leaders for Revival

Ministry Journey

Joseph Alexander is a truck driver from southern Georgia. He has one son. He has walked with the Lord for quite some time. The Lord put on his heart the calling to be a minister.

Joseph began studying at Christian Leaders Institute in 2016 and was ordained in 2017. He is willing to mentor other while they study at Christian Leaders Institute. He will also help those on the ordination path at Christian Leaders Alliance.

Joseph Clark
First Name
Joseph Clark
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up Revival leaders in my country!

Ministry Journey

Joseph has been a student at CLI since 2017 and since then has completed 73 credit hours with us, earned his Deacon ordination and several awards.

A father of 4, a former corporate professional, published author, and talk radio host, Joseph brings experience in the areas of marriage, divorce, infidelity, addiction, online pornography obsession, and depression, as a certified professional counselor and therapist. 

He has served as a spiritual counselor to the elderly and as a street evangelist and street minister to the homeless.  In addition to his diplomas with Christian Leaders Institute.

Joseph has multiple certificates with Harvard University in Christian Studies and has undergone formal training in Deliverance Ministry.

Joseph spent 30 years researching various false religions, reading books such as the Writings of Buddha, the Koran, The Baghadat Gita, and others, before he had his very own "Road to Damascus" experience, and unconditionally gave himself exclusively (with all of his heart, his mind, and his strength) to Christ, recognizing Jesus as "The Way, the Truth, and the Life."  Not just 'a way', but 'The Way'.  

Read Joesph's Testimony in His words

I came to know God through my family, our attendance at Church, and by attending Christian school from Kindergarten to Grade 12.  However, I did not truly realize my walk with God until late in life.  This was inspired by a culmination of life experiences both good and bad.

One day, while struggling with a very unfortunate human event, I gave myself unconditionally and fully to Christ.  Immediately, I was given the strength and wisdom to persevere and overcome.  I realized that prior to that moment, I enjoyed knowing that Christ was there, but I had neglected my faith and had made God the least of my daily priorities.

As I think of my future ministry, the word that comes to mind is a pastor.  I believe that my attributes, experience, and passions, will serve Christ best in this role.  I am enthusiastic and fulfilled at the very thought.  In terms of key experiences that prompted me to pursue my ministry studies, I cannot name only one.  It was a culmination of experiences, and in hindsight, I recognize how over the course of my entire life, God has been preparing me.


I recognize how over the course of my entire life, God has been preparing me.

Connecting to the Bible has transformed me by validating for me all that I had believed previously, but had taken for granted.  I had diluted my faith placing God as a fixture on the periphery of my daily existence, but I had not recognized and realized that he was always there front and center.  Connecting to the Bible has made me realize this.


Joseph is willing to help and serve other CLI students!

Joseph Njuguna N. Mungere
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To bring revival to Kenya and to raise up more Christian Leaders

Ministry Journey

Joseph Njuguna Njoroge Mung'ere is married to a lovely and Godly wife, named Liiian Ndegi. They have three children. Joseph works for the Government of Kenya, and he does ministry work during the weekends. Joseph was born again in 1992 and has served in several local churches in various capacities among them being a church elder, teacher of the new believers and chairpersons of various church departments.

Joseph began his studies at Christian Leaders Institute in 2013. He was ordained as a commissioned minister in 2015. He is willing to mentor others at Christian Leaders Institute and support those seeking ordination in the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Josephine Musonza
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Help Raise up Women Revival leaders in the UK. She has a passion to minister the gospel of Jesus Christ

Ministry Journey

Josephine Musonza graduated in 2009 as a Clinician. She currently working in a healthcare setting, providing holistic care to the community.

She is called to use her ministry training as a bi-vocational Christian Leader.

She is willing and ready to mentor others in her area in their ministry training and through their ordination process with Christian Leaders Alliance.

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Judith Matty
First Name
Judith Matty
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To Raise Up Revival Leaders!

Ministry Journey

Judith has been a student at Christian Leaders Institute since 2019 and since her enrollment has already completed 14 credit hours and earned several awards including the Deacon Ordination.



Read her testimony in her own words

My name is Judith Matty and I was born and raised in the UK.

I was born again in 1991 to a very mixed and diverse non-denominational Church. Given my introduction to God was as a Catholic and delighted to discover through my born again experience, a real God with an extraordinary love for me and mankind. Also, the knowledge of a great inheritance received through my Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord has become my personal friend and it is really very exciting. Today God is growing ever more real, relevant and very much active by his Holy Spirit in my life.

The Call:

"My Christian journey has been wonderful, not without deep sorrows but truly great joys!"

My Christian journey has been wonderful, not without deep sorrows but truly great joys! I began with prison ministry and worship music for ministry orientation.. I quickly found worship music was my greatest passion. However, I am equally zealous for outreach evangelism preaching and teaching of the Word. I am told there are so many more gifts yet to unfold!

Presently, I am now seeking a full-time ministry engagement, and a couple of doors have opened which is being investigated. My credentials will give me more credence and certainly the confidence I need to move forward in this. I have the advantage of a wonderful Mentor Minister at CLA who has personally gone ahead and sought doors of opportunities for me and helps immensely to steer me in the right direction and hold my course .. Transpired to date is I am co-opted onto the CLA UK Council. I will shortly be joining the Mentor Minister directory.


"I am sincerely looking forward to supporting UK students."

I have a renewed and revived excitement about my future prospects in ministry I already see the seeds planted with regards to missions. I am looking forward to what this new season will bring and very grateful to be a part of seeking and raising revival leaders all over the world.

I would ask you for continued prayers for clarity of vision and for Gods grace and provision to go ahead of me and that my ministry calling may impact and wake up nations to the knowledge of our soon coming King!


Julie Tucker
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Share the Love of Christ ministering to couples by officianting at their weddings.

Ministry Journey

Julie Tucker is a wedding officiant. In fact, Many couple have their wedding ceremony at her home in the country.

Julie has had to wear many hats and have many titles in the corporate world for 33 years. In 2015, she left the corporate world and started, "Weddings with Julie" She loves being part of the Bride & Groom's Wedding Day.

Julie married her best friend, James Ray Tucker, on her 30th Birthday and from that very moment we have been involved in ministry. Julie and her husband have been youth leaders, out-reach pastors, and even operating The SonShine Bus ministry for many years.

Julie is thankful for the opportunity to study from home! She is eager to learn more and so thankful to have found CLI. She live in a big city in the Bible Belt where you think everyone goes to church and loves the Lord. But day after day, she meet more folks that don't have a church home, they don't have a Pastor or Mentor, they don't have anyone to come pray with them in time of difficulty and some of them have never heard the name of Jesus, that literally breaks my heart. She is willing to be a mentor to Christian Leaders Institute students and help with their ordination.

Julio Herrera
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up Christian Leader in his region.

Ministry Journey

Julio Herrera was born in West New York, New Jersey. He had a heart to serve the Lord at a young age. As his family moved to Florida, his desire to serve the Lord never left him.

He went through the fire as he walked through life. God never left him. and through them, God was calling him to ministry.

He began is studies at Christian Leaders Institute in 2015. He was ordained in 2016. He is willing to mentor those who are seeking ministry training and seeking to be ordained through the Christian Leaders Alliance

Justin Halbersma
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Reach his community with the gospel of Jesus Christ! Help raise up more leaders!

Ministry Journey

Justin Halbersma is married to a Godly woman named Emily, and as of right now, they have no children.

Justin is self-employed as well as working retail part-time. He can't honestly say when the Lord graciously saved him in Christ, as he grew up in a Christian home. His teen years were full of confusion as he began exploring the world around me. He attended a public school, but something kept him from following the destructive paths his friends were on. While they were out partying, he was content to go to the Friday night hockey game and spend an evening playing video games and watching Hockey Night in Canada.

He became keenly aware on August 2, 1999, that God was pursuing him and he fell on my knees that afternoon and confessed to Him that he needed to be saved.

The calling to ministry came, and he started Christian Leaders Institute in 2014 and received his Bachelor of Divinity degree and has been ordained as a minister of the Word in the Christian Leaders Alliance.

He is willing to mentor others by email or in person. He will help with Christian Leaders Alliance ordination.

First Name
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To raise up Christian Leaders in Rwanda to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Ministry Journey

My name is Ananias Karamuka from born Rwanda in 1988, I am the third born of 4 children. My parents were of Christian faith and made me baptized young but before I knew good or bad they all passed away; Father in 1992 and Mother in 1994. After they have gone, I was tested in various ways but God remained always on my side. Temptations came while young but the Spirit of God helped me to pass through them as a warrior through Jesus whom I didn't know much about Him.

When I went for secondary school, God helped me to mobilize other students to start a Christian choir at our school and I was their leader from there and even in university, I was a church leader. I did my studies and graduated in 2014 from Veterinary Medicine at the University of Rwanda. During my studying journey, I was a school church leader wherever being in secondary and university levels. After my graduation, I was nominated to help our home parish pastor at a certain local church as a leader. Today I am an Anglican church's ordained pastor. I was ordained on 17th December 2017 as a Deacon minister with Christian Leaders Alliance and on 16/12/2018 as senior pastor


B.P.2540 KIGALI Rwanda
Kate Batten
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Kate spiritual dream is to help those that the world forgets about, the people who are lost in a vicious circle of offending crimes and those who have suffered from abuse.

Ministry Journey

Kate could have easily been crushed by her childhood. At the age of two, her parents divorced. Her mother married poorly twice in her childhood. She was a victim of sexual abuse and had little respect for herself. She entered into destructive relationships that would lead to her drinking and taking drugs to blot out her reality and escape the pain and shame she was feeling from the past childhood experiences. By age 19, she was a single mom with two children.

God showed up in her life as she began to help domestic violence victims, sex trafficking victims and people with a whole host of fears from writing their own books to rising their self-awareness.

After having so many success stories, Kate invited people to share their stories in a published book and launched it out to the world. The book became a #1 international bestseller and 17 more books followed by co-authoring and solo authoring my her own books.

In 2017, Kate found Christian Leaders Institute and began classes. She has been ordained as a deacon minister. She is called to mentor others on a ministry path.

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These Mentor Ministers have been nominated by other ministers as a CLI ordained graduate who will be a resource for other Christian Leaders. Mentor Ministers are added through a nomination and interview process. Mentor Ministers may be removed for various reasons, such as the “Mentor Minister” is now too busy. Other reasons may also play a part.

Mentor Ministers have agreed to the doctrinal statement of Christian Leaders Institute when they enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute.