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Claudia Niemann
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Claudia is called to be an evangelist and teacher.

Ministry Journey

Dr. Claudia Niemann is over 60 years old and from Germany. Claudia has been married almost two decades to Djamel who is from Algiers. She has worked as a chemist and food scientist. She play the organ in her parents church.

Claudia parents were pastors in a small town in former East Germany. As she grew up in Eastern German in those days, she learned the importance of staying close to the Lord. Her brother played in a praise band and his influence encouraged my calling to the ministry.

In 2005, while pursuing her accedemic studies the Lord called her to ministry in a vision. Since that time Claudia has pursued ministry training and has served as a minister.

She as been ordained as a minister with the Christian Leaders Alliance and is willing to mentor others in Algiers who are called into the minister.