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Todd Andrew Pruden
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To bring revival to Brazil, to be a missionary for Christ. To plant a church in Brazil.

Ministry Journey

Todd Andrew Pruden is a missionary and pastor in a Baptist Church in Brazil and is married to another missionary. She is a Godly woman! They work together to preach the gospel to the unsaved.

His mission in Brazil consists of delivering Bibles to those in extreme poverty, as well as telling of the sacrifice Jesus made for all of us. He has been doing this for many years now. His focus has been preaching on buses and also in churches as a guest speaker. He preaches in Portuguese (self-taught) as well as English with a translator. In the past, He was involved in preaching English services to students of the English language in this country.

He became a Christian twenty four years ago after almost dying in a motorcycle accident. He knew very little about the Christian faith, but God was calling him, and He accepted the call.

Todd started Christian Leader Institute in 2014. He was ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance that same year. He will be willing to mentor and help those studying for the ministry and possible ordination. He will work with his local pastor to guide this process along.
