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Patrick Garlock
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Patrick's ministry dream is to share the love and hope of Christ to everyone God brings in his life. He is passionate about mentoring others in ministry.

Ministry Journey

Patrick Garlock was born in southern California, the youngest of an integrated family of 10 boys. Patrick mother passed away when he was 11. He moved to Kansas. His father remarried. He died when Patrick was 12.

When Patrick was 16 years of age, his girlfriend, Stacy and he went to church. He heard the message of salvation through Jesus Christ, who died on the cross. He embraced Christ as his Savior.

Stacy and Patrick were married and had two children. As Patrick's children reached the age of college, Stacy died of Leukemia. Partick lost his wife of 22 years.

On Stacy's deathbed, Stacy encouraged Patrick to return to church. He did. He became renewed in his faith.

He started Christian Leaders Institute in 2015 and was later ordained as a Commissioned pastor. He is now the senior pastor of that very church. He married the children's director. There is so much more to this amazing story.

Patrick is willing to mentor Christian Leaders Institute students or graduates in the Kansas City or Topeka area. He will help guide them through the ordination process.
