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John Hall
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

As John looks around he realizes that we are in desperate need of another revival period. He is open to whatever God has for him.

Ministry Journey

CLI training has opened doors for John to serve in ways He did not think possible. He have been involved in a small church in a town near where He lives. This church was going to close it’s doors last fall when a group of churches stepped in to provide ministerial and financial support. He has been able to preach there on a monthly basis for several months, have gotten to know several new bothers and sisters in Christ. It is not completely evident what God has planned for that small church, but His timing is perfect.

John was not alway close to God. He had put God on the back burner, and when he needed help, he cried out to Him. About a decade years ago, his first wife passed away. He spent many years mad at God and drinking excessively.

His son pulled him out of the mire and re-introduced me to God. Since that time, John has rededicated his life to Him, and realize now that He is the reason He is here and can do nothing but live His life for God.

Since that time, God has blessed John with a new church family and especially a beautiful new wife. John married Barb in the summer of 2015. She is a true gift from God. Barb has walked with John every step of the way.

John is a commissioned minister at Christian Leaders Alliance and is willing to encourage others to follow God's calling.
