Ministry Dream To raise up more revival leaders in Thailand and the world
Ministry Journey Marc is married, and he and his wife have five grown children.
Marc Bernard Gresset was born in Paris and grew up without religious education. As a young man, he was more or less an atheist. He began asking questions. He search took him through reading many books and experimenting with alcohol and drugs.
At a point of desperation, even contemplating suicide, a "revelation" was given to him to find a "meaning." He found that meaning in Christ!
He soon was called into ministry. He left France to do mission work in Indonesia. His mission work in Asia has continued for over 35 years. He is now serving in Thailand.
Marc began Christian Leaders Institute in 2016 and graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Divinity. He was ordained as a Chaplain minister. He is willing to mentor people in Asia. Contact him by email.