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Shirley Johnson
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Bring restoration and revival to her area; to help women to soar past abuse into wholeness

Ministry Journey

Shirley Johnson is an unlikely ordained leader. She was a victim of sexual abuse from her adoptive father. She was lost in two abusive marriage. In one marriage, she was led into the sexual swinging lifestyle. She was lost.

In her third marriage now, the Lord entered into her life and the life of her husband. She has mothered 8 children. She has been through so much. But Christ saved her and has called her to minister to women who are abused and also need Christ. She has forgiven those that have harmed her and has taken responsibility for her own actions.

In 2015, she began Christian Leaders Insitute. She has completed over 130 credits of training. She was ordained through the Christian Leaders Alliance. She is willing to mentor women who have been sexually abused and need healing. She has shared her transparent story on her profile. She will assist in helping with ordination.
