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Roy Lucas
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Roy's dream is to minister to his community and to maximize his gifts for ministry. God laid on his heart this scripture from Micah 6:8, "He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

Ministry Journey

Roy was born the seventh of eight children in Wilson County North Carolina and was raised by a single parent (mother) who shared her faith in God with him and my five surviving siblings. His mother would share her Christian belief with all of her children in a non-threating way regardless of her living conditions, whether on top of the mountain or down in the valley she maintained consistency in her faith-walk.

Roy's walk with God has faced many challenges. Though the grace of God he is now a parent of a college-age son. Roy was divorced many years ago, but through the grace of God, he has maintained a gracefilled relationship with the ex wife. They maintain a strong friendship/co-parenting partnership in raising their son.

Roy is employed as a youth and young adult specialist/coordinator. He assists young people with best practices regarding employment and educational pathway opportunities to enhance their personal and professional development.

Roy has been ordained as a deacon minister and serves under Rev. Walter Lucas at Faith Tabernacle Church as Associate Pastor in Worcester, Mass. Roy also serves on the board of directors of Christian Leaders Institute.

Tony B. Bennett
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To serve as an ordained Chaplain, guide and mentor future leaders and mend broken homes (families/relationships). Establish and plant a Congregation and minister training center.

Ministry Journey

Barukh atah Adonai Eloheinu (Blessed The LORD Elohim) the Pesach (Pass Over) Lamb of Elohim 

An alum of Christian Leaders College; received my Bachelors in Chaplaincy, Chaplain Ordination...and with His help over 80 awards. I’ve enjoyed my ministry educational journey at both CLI and CLC. 

Have been walking in Yeshua (Jesus) since 2004; as a child during my elementary school years my mother began to bring my brother's and I to church but I left "the church" and everything about it shortly after I was baptized around the age of 12. I answered my calling and election at the age of 23 outside the 4 walls of "the church" and have been walking purposefully in Yeshua and engaging a strong relationship with the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit); there is nothing more precious than His word. It has been a beautiful collision this journey. 

Since my restoration in His kingdom in 2004 He has ushered me through Parental Alienation; through church abandonment; through family abandonment; through sickness and illness; through poverty; through false reports; through joblessness; through a list of tsuris (troubles) it has been without a doubt a beautiful collision; a chaotic but blessed life and I wouldn’t trade it all. Now though I’ve suffered much I have also been blessed with much i.e. I’ve been blessed with four precious children; in 2009 I received a 2008 Impala with only 27,000 miles and no car note (payment); have helped many through their own personal and family struggles; etc. Again it’s been a chaotic but blessed life and I would not trade it at all. 

As a Bachelors in Chaplaincy recipient at CLC and an Ordained Chaplain Minister and an Ordained Life Coach Minister through CLA I look forward to helping students through their ministry education journey and their calling and election by His wonderful Hand and Spirit as well as contributing in the quality growth of CLI/CLC. 

I truly value and appreciate the 89 awards I’ve been grateful to achieve through CLI/CLC and will apply it along the training, education, and certifications/licenses I’ve received outside of ministry.
