Displaying listings from Australia & Oceania → Australia.

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Anna Girolimini
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To bring revival to her region!

Ministry Journey

Anna Girolimini has five beautiful children and many grandchildren. She is a single parent, on a disability pension. She lives on a 47-acre property, opposite a national park, by the sea. Her sister Shari and she were brought up in a Christian family and attended the salvation army church.

She is involved with her local church with youth ministry and an Alpha courses through a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center.

Anna started Christian Leaders Institute in 2013. She was ordained with the Christian Leaders Alliance in 2018. She is willing to encourage new Christian Leaders Insitute students and help with ordination.

David Hiscock
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To finishing his life raising up leaders for grace-filled revival!

Ministry Journey

David Hiscock is married and has children and grandchildren. His is over 75 years old and serve in local prison ministry as well as starting a local Bible study at a vacated Church building.

His story of how He came to grace is exciting and inspiring. Click his profile to read.

David was called into ministry after his retirement. He began CLI in 2014. He was ordained as a commissioned pastor in 2016. He is willing and ready to mentor others in their ministry training journey or in becoming ordained through the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Nissen Youhan
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Raise up Revival leaders in Austraila. To proclaim Christ as Savior and Lord.

Ministry Journey

Nissen Youhan was born in Iraq to Christian parents. He did not have a vital relationship with Christ. He went to church to be with his friends.

Nissen is married and has five children and six grandchildren.

During the Gulf war (when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait), Nissen fled Iraq and entered Turkey with his family (wife and four children, two boys and two girls at that time).

After suffering in a refugee camp, His family was accepted to Australia as refugees. After arriving in Tasmania Australia, they started a new life there. Then they moved to Victoria area to be close to people from his community (Assyrian people).In Melbourne, Nissen accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

He desired to study the Bible. Soon he was called into ministry. Nissen began Christian Leaders Institute in 2016. He has been ordained as a commission minister. He is willing to mentor other in Australia both in their ministry journey, including ordination.

William Kearney
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To support the mission work of Christ in Australia and Philippines

Ministry Journey

William became a Christian in the early 1980's. He married and faithfully loved his wife until her untimely death from cancer in 2007.

After a time of healing and grief, William met a missionary from the Philippines. They married. Now they serve the Lord together both in Austraila and the Philippines.

William began his studies with Christian Leaders Institute in 2015. He was ordained in 2017. He is willing to be a local mentor for Christian Leaders Institute students in his area. He is also will to assist them into the ordination process at Christian Leaders Alliance.
