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Anthony Francia
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To minister to, preach to and mentor other people for the glory of God!

Ministry Journey

Anthony Francia lives in New Mexico. He got a late start in life. He grew up with parents that took us to church, but when he went to Junior high school he started to hang with the wrong crowd. He started to smoke cigarettes and drink beer. Little did he know that his life would spiral out of control. But God turned his bad life into a testimony to others.

Anthony's original sentence was 37 years in the penitentiary and was going to plead 12 years but God had a different plan. He entered into the drug court program and was on probation for 1.5 years. He spent 6 months in jail where he received Jesus in his life and God changed him.

Now Anthony is preaching the gospel at a nursing home where he spends Saturdays with wonderful people and helping homeless people some with drug addictions. He wants to learn all he can about Jesus. He can do this on my own and with the church with the Holy Spirit leading. He accepted an Associate Pastor’s position at Soul Harvest Ministries in Albuquerque New Mexico and God is working through him. He thanks Christian Leaders Institute for helping him continue to learn about Jesus and ministry!

He got ordained as a Deacon Minister with the Christian Leaders Alliance in 2018.

Kelly Boland
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To minister to those experiencing lost in chaplaincy! Also, to mentor and encourage other Christian Leaders.

Ministry Journey

Kelly Boland was adopted into a family that didn't go to church except on holidays and told her she was free to believe whatever it is that she wanted and she was always interested in religion and spirituality. When she moved, she met a neighbor who became her best friend and her family would invite Kelly to church every Sunday. Kelly was so excited to go and join her, however, when she would go to church with her and her family she would get grounded upon returning home. Unfortunately, her family moved a couple years later and there was no way for her to continue to attend this particular church. She went to many different churches teaching many different things and was baptized into 6 different religions. She absolutely love reading the word and immersing herself into the churches activities.

She has had all four grandparents pass away, as well as friends, neighbors, and a boyfriend long ago. She remember when my grandfather was going to and from chemotherapy and he was was sick all the time. She would sit with him and tell him she loved him. She was 16 at the time, and she was told a lot to go outside or leave the room. She wanted to console him and her Grandma too! She remember sitting with him and hearing him talk about what heaven would be like and how he was ready to see his mom and dad again and how she shouldn't be afraid for him or worry because he would be with Jesus. A passion has been ignited within Kelly, since that day, to bring word of God's love to those who are sick or dying through Chaplaincy or being a Funeral Minister and to give hope to their families that they will see their loved ones again and how to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, who makes it possible.

Kelly was ordained as a Women's Minister in 2018 with the Christian Leaders Alliance!
