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Andy Elliot
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To plant churches and raise up revival leaders

Ministry Journey

Andy Elliott is a follower of Jesus, husband, father of four, business owner and pastor of a new church plant named, The Beat Church, in the greater Austin, TX area.

Although he was raised in the church he turned to alcohol, pornography, and anger. He believes much of this stemmed from doors opened after having my first sexual contact at the age of 5 with an older male cousin. He praises God for a friend who brought him to a pastors house at 3 am passed out drunk in the back of his car. It was an ugly beginning but proved to be the turning point to restoring his relationship with Jesus.

He began Christian Leaders Institute in 2016. He received his Bachelor of Divinity and is now ordained as a minister of the Word in the Christian Leaders Alliance. He is willing to mentor CLI students and help them become ordained in the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Brody Goodson
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To help others get into a vital walk with Christ.

Ministry Journey

Brody Goodson lives in Montgomery, Texas. He is married to Michelle. They have been blessed with 3 children. Brody has been in the medical field for 17 years specializing in Pulmonology and Sleep Medicine.

His journey with Christ started in 2009 when He felt God calling him to attend a local church. He started walking close with God and Christ became the Savior and Lord of his life on a daily basis.

Brody started Christian Leaders Institute in 2017. He has been ordained in 2018. He is willing to mentor local Christian Leaders Institute students through their journey at CLI and toward ordination through the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Christopher Lafavor
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To help those who are down and out to be renewed! To help raise up more leaders.

Ministry Journey

Christopher Lafavor was raised in the church. Ever since he was young He knew that God had called me to be a preacher.

Christopher is engaged to marry the woman of his dreams. She is sold out for God and will be a wonderful compliment in ministry.

Christopher started Christian Leaders Institute in 2017. He has been ordained and is willing to help other become ordained.

Erica Moore
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

To Produce Disciple Doers of the Word!

Ministry Journey

Erica Moore has been a student at CLI since 2019 and since then has completed 9 credits and earned her deacon ordination along with 3 other awards.

Read Erica's Testimony in her own words

My name is Erica Moore, and I am the mother of a ten-year-old daughter. Her name is Joy. I am currently attending a four-year college (online). I will be obtaining my bachelor's on Organizational Leadership. My birth place is Gary, Indiana but I have relocated to DFW, Texas in 2016. My current employment is warehouse work. This is a place where I have been effective in winning souls to Christ. God also gave me the direction to start a community organization that goes by the name of proDOcers.

One of the aspects of this organization is to serve unique demographics, such as single fathers. The foundation scripture of the proDOcers is Matthew 9:38. (You can find more information below). My hobbies are a really wide range, from watching television to traveling to other countries and everything in-between.

Conversion Story

My life with Christ began twenty years ago at the age of 14. During this time I was stricken with seizures and in a constant state of depression. My God-Mother pulled me by the arm on a Wednesday night and said that the spirit impressed upon her that I need to be at church.

I went and received Christ and got healed. I have not had another seizure to this very day. God is a healer. 

I have been in Christ for twenty years and a lot has been lying dormant in me. A lot of the reason is due to life choices on my part. I do believe that God has called me to the work of the ministry. My knowledge of the importance of training is limited, but it is there. I have joined three churches in my life due to a lot of moving around. Whenever I join a church; I find where I can be of service.

My hope is that I would receive the training I need from CLI to effectively serve in ministry. I hope to make connections with new people. Training in evangelism is what I am most interested in.


Jerold Terry
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Bring revival to his community to plant Christianity into the Austin area.

Ministry Journey

Jerold Terry (JT) grew up in Southeast Asia (Laos, Thailand and Sri Lanka), the eldest son of Southern Baptist Missionaries. He is married to his wonderful wife, Alma. He has an undergraduate degree in Psychology, a graduate degree in Education, and a post master's degree in Leadership (Ed.S.). He serves on the leadership team at his church and is excited to be a part of an ARC church plant in Austin, Texas.

JT has appreciated the ministry training at the Christian Leader Institute. It will allow him to revisit and renew his formal training.

JT holds a Bachelor of Divinity degree through Christian Leaders Institute and is ordained as a commissioned minister. He is willing to mentor represent Christian Leaders Alliance with ordination.

Jimmie Anderson
Last Name
Type of Minister
Ministry Dream

Mentor and encourage new revival leaders. To bring revival to the San Antonio area.

Ministry Journey

Jimmie Anderson received Christ as Lord and Savior when he was 12. He has been active in his church since his youth. As a young man, he was ordained as a local deacon.

He walked away from his faith for a short time only to find out that Christ Jesus is the only hope.

Over the years, he has been part of planting many churches. He and his wife are both graduates of Christian Leaders Institute.

He has been ordained as an officiant and will mentor CLI students and graduates. He will also help other become ordained.
